First Friday

Please come and join us for the “First Friday – Property Abandonment & Housing Development Monthly Meeting” hosted by the Muncie Land Bank.

As the name indicates we meet the First Friday of each month to talk about the issues of blight and housing development in the City of Muncie. The space is open to the public. We get a mix of for-profit developers, non-profit execs, government officials, academics and other community members.

The meeting occurs from 12:30-2pm on the second floor of the Madjax Makerforce building (in the Purdue room) located on 515 E Main Street.

The smaller aim of the First Friday meeting is to expose individuals and organizations to new and innovative models that address the challenges of vacant, abandoned, or deteriorated properties. The larger, long-term aim is to create a space where Muncie folk can have open dialogue about their assumptions and biases, can be vulnerable and listen to one another, can let go of prescribed agendas, and in doing so, discover what is really needed and possible.

Lunch is provided!

Past First Friday’s